A few months ago we were at the new Singlar Marina in Santa Rosalia. Santa Rosalia is home to hundreds of squid fishing boats and one Mexican Navy boat. Moored at the ferry dock about 100 feet behind where we were docked sat a big old Navy launch which the pelicans used as a roosting place. It was obvious that the launch hadn't been used in a long time however, it had three 225 horsepower Yamaha outboards attached to the back that looked fairly new. One day we saw a few navy folks cleaning the launch and working on the engines. After a couple of days they had it pretty well cleaned up and they got the motors running. One fine morning the navy folks came down to take the launch on a little run around the harbor.
I was down below and Jean was in the cockpit reading. Jean yelled "fire!!" and I jumped up into the cockpit and saw smoke and orange flames leaping out of the launch. A bunch of folks came running down with those little red fire extinguishers, you know like the ones we all have on our boats. They were pretty much useless. A few buckets of water were tossed with no affect. Finally, a guy wheeled down what looked like a 25 gallon dry fire extinguisher and that did the trick. There was this big WOOSH and the fire went out. Surprisingly, the engines were not harmed and they had them running the next day however, the burned portions of the boat haven't been fixed since so the launch still sits there with the pelicans very happy to have their roost back.

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