Today marks our eighth year of cruising. We can still remember like it was yesterday all the people waving us a good-bye from our dock in Richmond, California, 1999. Our granddaughter was only two weeks old and our friends thought we were nuts. We'd planned, worked and saved for 10 years to realize our goal. We said we were not going to squander our youth on saving money. I was just short of 53, had a great job that I loved and Jean was 55 and also had a great job. We sold our comfortable home, gave a bunch of useless materialistic things away, kissed our family and friends good-bye and sailed off into the proverbial sunset.
One of our most memorable moments was crossing the breaking bar at Bahia Del Sol in El Salvador. We anchored outside the bar entrance for three days waiting for the surf to subside along with 3 other boats. You have to have a pilot guide you over the bar and through the surf so when our turn came they called us on the radio and talked us through the whole process. We were picked up by I don't know how big surf, three times. Let me tell you that it is very exciting to surf a 23,000 pound, 37-foot boat for the first time. It was over so quick we never had a chance to be scared.

We've had so many unforgettable experiences that it is hard to decide which ones to highlight. We've made the passage from Hawaii to the mainland three times. We always spent at least few days totally becalmed. The sea is like Saran wrap and the sun is brilliant in the sky. One time we watched a Mahi swim circles around the boat for a whole day while we just drifted with the current. Another time we jumped off the boat and went for a swim, and once we caught a 20-foot, 4-inch diameter line in the prop and spent an hour cutting it away.

Of course, we made a lot of friends and especially enjoyed all the children we've met. Kids are the same everywhere, fun loving and curious. Not only the local children but, also the kids aboard cruising boats. We tend to make all the kids our temporary grandkids. So, do we regret anything? Only that we should have done this 5 years earlier. We have yet to met anyone who said that they wished they would have worked a little longer before setting out cruising. So, after eight years, tens of thousands of miles sailing, uncountable anchorages and having more friends than any normal person is allowed, we are happy and have never given a thought as to how long we will be doing this. We hope all of you take this as some inspiration to get out and enjoy life now because, life is truely.....
Has it been 8 years already? Wow how time seems to fly. I hope you continue to do well and enjoy everyday!
We miss you, Love Leslie and Talia
Wow, eight years! What a great summary. If Lisa and I have a fraction of the adventures you've had, we'll consider ourselves lucky. Can't wait to read more. We miss you guys!
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