I mean this blogging thing is new to us. We've been sailing around the Pacific since 1999 aboard our 1980 Irwin 37 sail boat. We started from San Francisco, California and visited Baja and the Sea of Cortez. We've made 3 round trip crossings from Mexico to Hawaii and back and made one trip south to El Salvador. We recently sailed from Hawaii to La Paz, Baja Mexico and spent the last 4 months in the Northern reaches of the Sea of Cortez . We've always had plans to reach Ecuador but but family issues, like new granddaughters, keep pulling us back. However, this time we are determined to make it there before we get too darn old. Later, we will tell you about our boat and about our cruising experiences. We are now in Santa Rosalia, Baja Mx. Jean had to fly back to the states because her mother just passed away. That leaves me and the cat to do all the maintenance that we avoided because it's been just too darn hot here.

I just don't know whether the weather on the local island is good or not. Happy sailing. john
Wither weather or whether is write or knot it doesn't matter if you read it out loud
From Sally!
I am glad to hear that you are all well and having the times of your lives! I am sorry to hear about Jean's mom passing. May she rest in peace.
I hope to see you sometime!
Thanks for the inspiration to live life to the fullest as it is soo short. Take care my friends...
Hey, you two! Did you make it to La Cruz? Surely you are there and settled in. Is there still a dinghy dock? Someone was telling me about the big new marina there.
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